Friday, 29 October 2010

Max's music find

Stuff to do for tuesday!!

Stuff to do for Tuesday

(Red text, highlights main responsibilities)


  • Mood Boards – Character, Environment, Colour
  • Sound ideas – rough examples of the kinds of sounds we plan to use, this should be a mixture of found music, videos and own recorded sounds
  • Character Design – Concept art on what you visualise the character to be like from the characters description (posted on blog) Thinking about: design, colour, materials, costume etc
  • Set Design – Concept art on visualise the set based on description (on blog) e.g. design, colour, materials etc
  • Work on one sheet with Max
  • Review storyboard, in regards to story and cinematography
  • Review Script


  • Mood Boards – Character, Environment, Colour
  • Character Design – Concept art what you visualise the character to be like from the characters description (posted on blog), particularly in regards the design and performance e.g. how it’s going to animate, character poses etc
  • Set Design – visualise the set based on description (on blog,) e.g. think about the practicalities in regards to the design and building it for stop-motion animation 
  • One Sheet – An A4 poster to promote the film, must include: Process, log line, synopsis, title, filmmakers, duration, concepts art (film image)
  • Storyboard – work on rough storyboard, along with Hywel and Berry
  • Sound ideas – rough examples of the kinds of sounds, music we could use in the film e.g. found music, videos
  • Review script

(Blog, remember to update the blog regularly with ideas, concept art, storyboards, comments, interesting videos etc)


  • Rough script
  • Rough story board – outlining the rough story, considering the animation and how best to tell the story rather than the design
  • Logline, Synopsis, character description
  • Character Design - Concept art what you visualise the character to be like from the characters description (posted on blog), taking into consideration, design, performance, and start to think about the construction of the puppet, taking into account the characters performance.
  • Set Design – Concept art to visualise the set based on description (on blog,) thinking about the practicalities in regards to the design and building it for stop-motion animation 
  • Mood Boards – Character, Environment, Colour
  • Review sound design ideas
  • Review One sheet
  • Blog

  This must all be done for Tuesday for the Pitch, presented as a Power point/pdf, we will get together on Monday to put the presentation together. Please work hard on this one, cause we won’t have much time to go back to some of this stuff, in the following weeks, but remember nothings final yet! This presentation is just to give a flavour, however we need enough work to fill 15 minutes!!

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Research into musicians body language

Some early concept drawings and boards

Film Summary

Rough Title: The Busker

Log line

‘On a desolate plain a one-man band attempts to busk.’

Genre: fantasy/drama/comedy

Film Synopsis

  On a desolate plain, a one-man band wanders in search of his music. He stops to busk, but his instruments fail to generate sound. In his struggle, he discovers that the source of the music comes from contorting his body, and the music begins.  

Characters physical appearance:

  The Busker is a lone one-man band who wanders a desolate plain in search of his music. His long thin body contorted from years playing his instruments, is hunched over and twisted and carries an array of instruments on his back. The costume he wears is covered in bells and clappers, but like his instruments they produce no sound. He supports a mask on his face, which obscures everything but his eyes and mouth. On top of his head sits a mop of shocking white/grey hair, which holds its shape like wire. 


  The Busker wants to be the great musician he once was, but he has lost his ability to create music, and is forever searching for it in this desolate plain, devoid of sound. So he moves around again and again, stopping now and then to set up his equipment and attempt to play his instruments, each time with no success.

Internal, external conflict

  The conflict in this story is between the Busker and his inability to produce music. The Busker needs to overcome his insecurity that he can no longer create music like he used to, in order for sound to be generated. This inability to generate music is personified by his instruments failure to produce sound, as well as the desolate landscape he inhabits, devoid of sound with nothing but a few broken discarded instruments, lying half buried in the ground.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010


Busker Scott Dunbar.
Clever Busker, very good, love the sound!

and this fella... from italy

Music examples for the film

Work on script so far


 ‘ On a desolate plain, a one-man band attempts to busk. However his instruments fail to generate sound. In his struggle he discovers that the source of the music comes from his body and the music begins.’

Basic plot (work in progress)

·        A one man Band, walks along a desolate plain, (bells on his feet but no sound)
·        He finds a spot (every where is the same) and decides to stop and busk
·        He sets up his equipment, and pulls his hat off onto the ground to collect money
·        He begins to play different instruments, but fails to generate any sound.
·        In his frustration his body contorts, and to his surprise this produces sound.
·        Now follows a strange bit of choreography and sound (thinking Tom Waits, experimental jazz, a collage of sounds)
·        The busker suddenly stop as he watches with bewilderment a lone crab scuttling past and to throw change

Claudio Montuori (Bird Man) inspiration for the busker character.